flailing in my kitchen v3

How can I be sad when I have breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
How can I be sad when I have
thai basil, carrot cake, and eggplant?

Strawberry Pizza

I really like How Sweet Eats. Jessica Merchant just posts so many interesting recipes. During my food blog browsing I came across Strawberry Pizza with Bacon and Caramelized Onions.

Strawberry pizza before being popped in the oven
We're trying to conserve electricity by only having the kitchen light on.

Which sounded real intriguing. I looked at the ingredients and I like pretty much everything that she put on the pizza. Of course I also scrolled through the comments to make sure someone actually tried it and gave it a good review.

Strawberry pizza after being cooked
It's kind of making the pictures have awkward lighting though.

Making anything involving dough kind of scares me, but my sister is great with dough so I had to make this while she's here. Plus strawberries were on sale!

Cutting up the strawberry pizza
My sister calls this contraption a "pastry wheel".

It was delicious. If I ever make it again, I'd need to make note of a couple of things.

  • Use two onions. Maybe three onions. Seriously, this needs way more onion.
  • Get a larger baking sheet so I can make a larger pizza. The pizza crust was a bit too thick for my liking.
Close up of the strawberry pizza
Concluding with a super artsy shot of a single slice pulled out of the pizza slightly.

Hi! I like to cook, and I like to blog. This is where I dump out all my thoughts about food.

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