So, I've definitely been slowing down the frequency of these posts. That was partly because I was sick recently, but also because I've spent more time on food blogging than is sustainable, and I want to give myself more time to focus on other things. And you know, I'm living my life inefficiently now.
Part of the other stuff I want to focus on is...making more updates to this blog? Well, not new posts, but updates to the site itself. This is also my tech project, and I've honestly been itching to do more coding. I have a fun little feature that I'm working on! If you want to follow along to see what updates I'm making, my flailing-in-my-kitchen repo is now on github!
I've also been re-making some of the same recipes, to just experiment and find what goes well for my taste buds, and I've also been working on some new (-ish) recipes of my own! I actually make brussels sprouts a little differently from the recipe that I've posted, so I want to update that eventually.
I mentioned in another recent entry that I want to post a recipe for my mayonnaise roasted potatoes. I've made it twice in the past week (where I actually made note of measurements), but it still isn't quite right so I'm tweaking it.
And, please bear with me if you try to access the site and it just doesn't work at all! I need to do some server maintenance, and that's going to require rebooting the system a few times and I honestly don't remember most of the things I did when I first set up this site. But I'm making progress!
So, I'll end this post with a few more photos of some tasty things I've made recently that weren't exciting enough to get their own post: