flailing in my kitchen v3

How can I be sad when I have breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

Food thoughts: 1/30 - 2/5

in which I buy some "ice cream"

I'm getting bored with calling these posts "Meal Plan". It's really a weekly review, but I didn't want to call it that either. At one point I thought of making the tag line of this blog "thoughts on food", so I'm trying something like that. I was also going to append to that to give it a ridiculously long title, but I guess that's what subheaders are for.

So to start off, my whiteboard pic is back, and completely unedited!


Hummus had already been on my to-make list for a while, but when I thought about the tomatoes that I didn't have a use for, I figured I could turn my hummus snack idea into a meal and make Mediterranean Hummus Bowls. That also used up onions.

Like I said earlier, I made Beef and Pineapple Enchiladas so I could use up some corn tortillas, scallions, and the rest of my pineapple chunks. Plus that worked really well with the hummus bowls since I could use half the ground beef for each dish.

Groceries, Aldi

See that extra can in the back that's covered? Those are more chickpeas. You can never be too well-stocked on chickpeas. (Especially because I needed both of those cans this week) But you know what Aldi was missing? Tomato paste! I've never seen tomato paste run out at Aldi!

So I was just going to cut my losses and deal with having less tomato paste than my enchiladas called for (which honestly, would have been fine) but as I saw it snowing on Sunday I thought "This is perfect grocery shopping weather!" (because it's way less crowded.)

And you know what's even more perfect? Buying ice cream when it's snowing. Because I can walk at whatever pace I want and know it won't melt. (Also because it's always a good time to buy ice cream.)

So I'm standing in the gigantic ice cream aisle and I come to the same conclusion that I do every time I go to Giant Eagle: Giant Eagle has the WORST ice cream selection. It makes me angry. Every. Single. Time.

Ice Cream

WHY are there SO many varieties of vanilla ice cream?! Turkey Hill has "Original Vanilla", "French Vanilla", "Vanilla Bean", and even "Homemade Vanilla"! (not pictured because there's not enough space in the picture to even capture the insanity) Turkey Hill, I know that you did not make that vanilla ice cream in a home. Don't give me that false advertising.

If one of my close friends read this, he would say "Meyling, you're just mad they don't have coffee ice cream." And he would be right. I am mad at Giant Eagle's lack of coffee ice cream. Coffee is a staple. You can't tell me you need four varieties of vanilla, but you don't need coffee.

You're probably wondering, did you even buy any ice cream? Well, I sorta did.

Groceries, Giant Eagle

Breyer's was on sale so I settled for their "Frozen Dairy Dessert" that we all know is not real ice cream. I also tried a so-ridiculously-expensive-that-I-don't-want-to-say-how-much-it-was Leona's ice cream sandwich that was labeled "Chai Tea/Coffee". I still don't know if it was the ice cream that was supposedly coffee-flavored or the cookie.

Okay. Ice cream rant over. Here's what I ate this past week.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Saturday Bagel Shrimp Scampi Florentine Hummus Bowl
Sunday Bagel Enchiladas Rice w/ 腊肉 & Kimchi
Monday Ramen Eggs Rice w/ 腊肉 & Kimchi Hummus Bowl
Tuesday Fried Eggs w/ Rice Enchiladas Mac n Cheese
Wednesday Fried Eggs w/ Rice Hummus Bowl Rice w/ Beef Jerky & Kimchi
Thursday Mac n Cheese Enchiladas Hummus Bowl
Friday Hummus w/ Carrots Rice w/ Beef Jerky & Kimchi Takeout: Dim Sum

I don't think I'll ever order from that dim sum place again. I miss real dim sum. When we get back to a normal, COVID-19-free world, that's the first thing I'm eating.

A really impractical guide to meal planning

A few weeks ago I gave a lightning talk at work. This is largely based off my Meal Plan post from before the holidays.

Filed under: extras


So I've had carrots sitting in my fridge for a while. Carrots last a while, so it's not a big deal, but I really wanted to get rid of them. For some reason when I was trying to think of a way to use them up, my mind went to hummus.

I love hummus. I love anything with chickpeas. But I think store-bought hummus is pretty terrible so I always make it myself. Apparently authentic hummus is really creamy and smooth but I like mine to have more texture in it. One of my best friends also really likes hummus. She's the same one who occasionally makes gumbo and lets me have some. I had planned a hang-out with her on Saturday, and I wanted to do something nice.


Now I like to make different variations of hummus, and this time I went with jalapeño cilantro hummus. The last time I made this, my friend told me it wasn't jalapeño-y enough. Which really just means it wasn't spicy. I usually de-seed jalapeños when I use them, but for this batch, I used two jalapeños and I mostly kept the seeds in it.

The verdict? It was delicious. Seriously, this is like the best my hummus has ever tasted. I brought the hummus and some pita bread over to my friend's place and she finished it all the same day.

Oh, but I also used some in Mediterranean Hummus Bowls. This recipe has become one of my go-to's.

Hummus Bowls

I know what you're thinking! What about those carrots? Well, don't worry, I didn't forget about them. I had to make more hummus anyway, so I cut up some carrots to dip in the hummus. And I considered taking a picture of it, but it's literally just hummus and carrots, and that's kind of boring. Delicious though.

Beef and Pineapple Enchiladas

A week before going home for the holidays, I bought some corn tortillas to make tacos. When I was home, we made tacos, and my aunt bought some corn tortillas because she knows I like them. The problem is no one else in my family really likes corn tortillas, so I took those home and now I have a surplus of corn tortillas.

I make tacos a lot, so this time I thought I'd make some enchiladas. The first few times I tried to make enchiladas in my life they were pretty terrible. But I think I've gotten better at it, somehow.


I was browsing enchilada recipes on Budget Bytes and came across Beef and Pineapple Enchiladas, and I thought, "Perfect! I can use my opened can of pineapple chunks!" and then I looked at the recipe more closely and I thought about the combination of ground beef and pineapples and thought "Ew, that sounds kinda gross."

Well, if it was really that bad, then Beth would have removed it from her site. The reviews were very positive so I figured I'd give it a shot. I wrote down the recipe in my notebook, and man were there a lot more steps in this than I realized. But it seemed easy, so it was a good thing to make on my lazy Sunday.

Enchilada Filling

The filling actually didn't look too bad. But I should have added more pineapple. Use the whole can. This also made way way more enchilada sauce than I needed. I might have to freeze it and make more enchiladas in a month.

Enchilada meal

Not a bad recipe. I'd give it 4/5 stars.

Filed under: enchiladas lazy weekend

Meal Plan: 1/23 - 1/29

Normally I would start with a picture of my whiteboard, but there's a ridiculous amount of photoshopping MS Paint-ing involved to get the image to look the way I want. So, I actually went and re-organized the whiteboard to make it a little easier on me. But you'll have to wait for next week's meal plan post to see it.

I will show you my groceries, though! This week I made shrimp scampi florentine and BBQ chicken pizza, which you already know. I bought ingredients for those meals, and I also bought a few extra things for snacks, like getting chickpeas to make hummus. I spent a little over $30 on groceries.


Well, I impulse bought tilapia. (Frequent readers of this blog should not be surprised.) It was on sale for $6! It's normally $12 for the 2 lb bag! And that was from Giant Eagle, not Aldi. I know, it's always $6 at Aldi. But maybe this brand is better.

Also, Aldi was out of chickpeas! I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Aldi runs out of chickpeas a lot. I really didn't want to make another grocery store trip, so hummus will have to wait until next week. I really should just keep a constant supply of chickpeas like I do with eggs.

If you're wondering why I bought kimchi, it's so I could eat it with some meat that my grandparents prepared while I was visiting them.


My grandpa has the best recipe for both beef jerky and 腊肉. Deep frying things kind of scares me (but not as much as dough does) and I think I overcooked the 腊肉 a little, but it still tasted great.

I also asked several members of my family what 腊肉 (lat bhat) actually translates to. I know 肉 (bhat) means meat but what is 腊 (lat)?! No one was able to tell me! As I was looking things up in a Teochew app, I realized that 腊 is the same 腊 as in 腊肠 (lat chiang) Chinese Sausage. And then I looked this up in the Wiktionary and I learned 腊 basically means dry or dried meat. Now I know.

Okay, Chinese lesson aside, I only cooked two meals this week because I was still going through the leftovers in my freezer. It was my full intention to actually keep track of what I ate this week, but I realized I haven't written down anything since Monday. It was just bagels every morning, while rotating between the scampi, pizza, and leftovers during lunch and dinner.


And I did add pineapples on my leftover slices of pizza. I love leftover pizza. It's the best leftover.

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