flailing in my kitchen v3

How can I be sad when I have breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
How can I be sad when I have
pasta salad, baked ziti, and bibimbap?

Faux pho

The other day, I was at my friend's house and I was looking through all of her Hello Fresh recipe cards. She mentioned that she really liked the "Pho-Style Beef Noodle Soup", and I looked at it skeptically because almost nothing about it resembles pho. It comes with ramen noodles. The only thing about it that made it seem like pho at all was that it contains "pho stock concentrate" (whatever that is). But honestly, it still sounded like a tasty noodle soup, and she had two copies of the recipe card, so I took one.

I wasn't sure when I was going to make this, but just earlier this week, I saw a post in the "Aldi Aisle of Shame" Facebook group raving about their limited time offering "Pho Broth"! This is perfect for my fake pho. I told my Vietnamese friend about this and he just shook his head disapprovingly. Hey, not all of us have Vietnamese relatives that can make pho.

The Aldi pho broth

I didn't want to buy a bunch of stock concentrates for this, so I just used chicken msg. And I also had a single chicken thigh in the freezer so I used that instead of beef. So who knows what I'm even making at this point. But in order to stay somewhat true to this inauthentic recipe, I did use bok choy, mushrooms, and wheat noodles :P

The fake pho in a pretty bowl, with chopsticks and a soup spoon on the sides
I really should get bigger bowls

What resulted was something that I guess kind of had the essence of pho? But it needed more flavor so I dumped in some fish sauce and extra lime at the end. To be fair to Aldi, I did essentially mix it with chicken broth, so I probably diluted some of the pho flavor. But if I don't think of it as pretending to be pho, it was a good meal. I don't think you can ever go wrong with a noodle soup.

The fake pho with some noodles in a soup spoon, and a book in the background
I had already started eating when I realized I totally forgot to garnish this with cilantro and onions!

Hi! I like to cook, and I like to blog. This is where I dump out all my thoughts about food.

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