flailing in my kitchen v3

How can I be sad when I have breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
How can I be sad when I have
baked ziti, pulled pork, and avocado?

Chimichurri chicken and rice

I wasn't going to make a blog post for this, because I made this during my workday, and I only took one picture, and it's not that great.

Chimichurri chicken and rice
At least it had natural light

But before I made this, I went searching through my old blog posts to see if I had made this before, and I feel like I have, but I must have not blogged about it. And there's a decent chance I'll make this again some time in the next five years or so, and when I do, I know I'm going to look for it in my blog and wonder what I'd do differently. So...

  • This was really water-y. Maybe just use 1.25 cups of water next time. I did sprinkle in a little chicken msg, which I think was a good addition
  • The chicken was a little dry. I basically had it cooked completely in the beginning, so maybe just throw that in at the end instead of having it sit in the pot while the rice is cooking
  • Feta would be great on top!
  • I didn't add peas. I'm sure they would be fine, but I wouldn't go out of my way to include them

This was pretty good, and it was a good way to use up a bunch of cilantro that I didn't want to waste.

Filed under: chimichurri chicken

Hi! I like to cook, and I like to blog. This is where I dump out all my thoughts about food.

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