flailing in my kitchen v3

How can I be sad when I have breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

Fried rice

So I looked at this photo and I thought, "What is this?" At first I thought it was some sort of beef and cabbage stir fry, but if it were that then I'd have rice on the side, and then I realized there is rice in this, it's just fried rice.

Fried rice

I think it does have cabbage though. It also looks like there's onion and egg and little dried shrimps. I'm sure I used a recipe for this, but I don't know if I could track that down now.

Fried rice and sriracha

I'm sure it was good. Fried rice is always good.

Filed under: fried rice

Hi! I like to cook, and I like to blog. This is where I dump out all my thoughts about food.

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